Penrith Public School

Forward With Pride

Telephone02 4721 2158

Canteen and Uniform Shop

School Canteen 

Introducing Spriggy Schools for Online Ordering please click on link below to see how to get started.

 Spriggy Intro Information

Opening hours 

The school canteen is open Monday to Friday from 8.45am-2.45pm

Lunch and recess orders 

Lunch order cut off is 9am. Canteen will be open for students to purchase items:

8:45am to 9:15am (before school)

10:45am to 11:10am (S2/3 recess- no hot food)

11:15am to 11:40am (ES1/S1 lunch- including hot food)

1:15pm t0 2:10pm (S2/3 lunch- including hot food)

2:15pm to 2:45pm (ES1/S1 recess- no hot food)


Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club provides cereal and toast for students only. 

Uniform Shop 

School caps and surf hats can be purchased from the school office.

School caps $22

Surf hats $22

Back to Basics

Our school uniform is sold at Back to Basics, located on 52 Cox Avenue Kingswood. Kindly read Back to Basics contact information for the stores contact details. 

Price List

Kindly read Back to Basics price list for more information about their school uniform costs.

Trading Hours

Kindly read Back to Basics trading hours for more information about store trading hours.

Ordering Online 

You can order your school uniform online through Back to Basics.

Their online store is called Cowan and Lewis.

Kindly read Online Ordering for more information on how to order your school uniforms online through Back to Basics.                 

Preloved Clothing Pool & Sport Shirt 

Our school also offers a second hand clothing pool of preloved school clothing. Our sport shirts are also purchased through the clothing pool which are new items.  Due to covid-19 restrictions parents can fill out the form below and place cash only and correct amount in an envelope and you will receive your order depending on availability. If an item is not likely to be available your money will be sent home with your child.

Second Hand & Sport Shirt Order Form